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Leeds Castle

Metaphor was invited to Leeds Castle in September 2013 to work with the client on an interpretive strategy for the site. We facilitated workshops with senior staff at the estate and, after consulting with the in-house team, developed a set of responses to the current work streams underway across the site.


We concluded that the concept for the Castle re-presentation has mileage, and through careful thought, planning, and consultation, could become a successful visitor draw. Likewise, the concept for the new Education and Interpretation Centre has a lot of potential. In this case, in order to ensure success, we suggested conducting a thorough masterplan of the Education and Interpretation Centre. This, in turn, should inform a detailed architectural brief for the new building.


As well as developing a set of recommendations for the headline projects, we also concluded that the offer across the site could be reinforced by developing a strategy for site-wide storytelling and orientation. The visitor welcome, as well as wayfinding across the site, should dovetail with the offer at each destination, making the estate as a whole feel like a ‘complete’, polished and coherent visitor experience.

Service: Masterplanning


Client: Leeds Castle

Realisation: 2014

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